In the northern hemisphere, the New Year lands on the other side of holiday busyness and into the heart of winter. I love the new year – not for its...
Stressful experiences, both chronic and acute, can etch your inner landscape and make their presence known through anxiety, reactivity, judgment, feeling closed off/constricted, or overall feelings of disconnection. Each of...
We are all journeying through uncharted territories. There is a lot of uncertainty about the future, and regular routines and schedules are gone. This can all feel ungrounding, unsettling, and...
How does connecting with nature apply to our spiritual growth and ultimately end internal suffering? By observing nature, we cultivate more inner stillness and quiet. With this, we become more...
When someone else’s “rule book” is guiding my decisions, I suffer. When I am living by outdated rules I have created for myself, I suffer. If there are “shoulds” in...
Staying present or “awake” in this world is not easy! Often our days are filled with routine and habitual actions (or news), that makes it a challenge to be inspired,...
This picture is of a spot I go to either be still, find inspiration for something I’m working on, or meeting with a client. Do you think my ability to...
I recently took a course with psychotherapist and shaman, Sandra Ingerman. She shared a powerful, yet simple practice of holding a word within and really feeling it. Feeling the word...
A magnificent old pecan tree lives in my backyard. I have personified her as a wise older southern woman- strong and resilient, with sound advice. I instantly felt drawn to...