Recently I was reminded by John O’Donohue of the precious gift of seeing a landscape for the very first time.  That moment of absolute newness, a feast for the soul and senses- will never happen again.  Soon, the landscape becomes familiar, and we miss the sweet details and broad strokes.

When was the last time you saw a completely new landscape?  The moment when a sense of aliveness returned to your body  – awakening parts that had been lulled to sleep in the routines of life.  For ages, humans have sought adventure and new lands – as it awakens and brings movement to the heart.

When given a gift, there is always the act of receiving.  To receive the gift of a new landscape, we walk about with all of our senses open, receptive, and welcoming with gratitude the newness.  This was my invitation to those on retreat in Costa Rica last week – to walk about with fresh eyes.

Retreating to a new landscape creates the opportunity for the haze that clouds our vision from truly seeing others, the world around us, and ourselves to lift – as our bodies receive the vitality and nourishment of this new landscape.  

Clarity returns as we see with fresh eyes.  Not only is a truer form of sight restored, but calmness and clarity in our body as well.

At closing circle in Costa Rica, I offered another invitation:  to take their fresh eyes home with them.  To see their friends, family, animals, the world around them with newness that only comes from restoration and time away.

I also gave this challenge to myself – to see with fresh eyes my family, home, life, nature, friends, and how I am woven within it all.  This was a gift to me from the Costa Rican landscape, new friends, and experiencing more deeply and profoundly my own natural rhythm (more on this next letter 🙂 

If you want the perspective of fresh sight, please consider joining us on one of the spring retreats, create your own retreat, or save your spot to Costa Rica or Scotland next year!