Spring is coming and I am ready for it! February was a challenge…life created the conditions that brought me into the rhythm of winter: slowing down, surrendering, and going inward. When I could rest in this natural rhythm, I suffered less and wisdom revealed herself. The more we can align ourselves with the energy of the season, life becomes more effortless and we are able to experience life more fully.
How do we prepare ourselves and align with the natural rhythm of creation spring brings?
- Get things flowing. Systems within our body (think lymphatic system) slow down over the winter. Start moving! Walking, jogging, and biking are great, but also consider Yoga, tai chi, and qigong. Even 10 minutes a day can make a difference.
- The wild herbs blooming this time of year are perfect for restoring flow and detoxifying. Dandelions (roots and leaves), cleavers (leaves), and chickweed (leaves) are our allies this time of year and are perfect for this purpose.
- Consider dietary cleanse. There are many ways of approaching this. You can cut out all processed foods for a few days, do a 24 hour fast, or a 3-day juice cleanse. Use your intuition, do your research and pick what feels right for you. If you are taking medications or have health issues, consult your doctor beforehand.
After preparing your body for spring, think about the “seeds” you are going to sow. Be intentional about this. “Seeds” planted with intention will have the best chance of taking off.
There are some seeds you might have sown in the fall, and like nature, they needed the cold of winter to germinate. Now might be the perfect time for them to sprout! Make sure you pay attention and nourish these “seeds” as they begin to grow. Some seeds, such as lodgepole pine, need fire to begin to sprout. Situations in life can be intense, but this “heat” might be just what is needed to germinate a dormant seed planted within you.
When we enter into the rhythm of the season, we flow better with life. We are able to align ourselves with divine synchronicities. Often the seeds that are supported by the Universe are ones that don’t require as much effort.
So “Happy planting!” and please let me know how I can guide you in sowing and nourishing your inner garden.