This spring, I sat among three really sweet guys who invited me to their podcast. It was my first time on a podcast, and I loved every moment. But why is it taking until now for me to share this? 

I can sum it up with one word–vulnerable. I love to connect with people and teach, but having a misspoken comment or misdelivered thought permanently on record feels SO uncomfortable! I couldn’t share this recording until I listened, and I also needed to listen to it to grow.  

But this got me pondering vulnerability and the beauty of stepping into it. Vulnerability can give a glimpse into the soul of the one stepping into this uncomfortable place. Being vulnerable creates intimacy and trust within friendships, builds community, and leads us down a path towards living a life of meaning–not holding back, but taking the risk of stepping towards what you feel drawn to. Over the years, I’ve learned that if I’m feeling vulnerable about something, it is the direction I need to step into. 

Being vulnerable can feel risky as we expose our soft spots and potentially open ourselves to pain. However, we get to use discernment as to the when, how, and with whom to share our soft spots. In a world where we are shielding ourselves from what feels like a lot, putting our guard down and exposing a soft spot can be a real challenge. 

This is where vulnerability becomes a practice. Each time we dip our toe into vulnerability, it becomes a little easier. But putting down the armor is no small feat. It requires gentleness and compassion towards ourselves.  

An added bonus of practicing vulnerability is that we begin to share more about what is true and meaningful for us. This is the secret sauce for letting your life move through you; you enter into the flow of your life. 

Blessings as you step into vulnerability!

With love,