When you feel ungrounded, unsettled, or anxious – how do you respond? There are two different paths many of us take – depending on how well we have been tending to......
To be fully in the world, but not of the world – these words point the way to reclaim authenticity, inner peace, and freedom. Another way to frame this is......
SUBTLE: so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. (Oxford Languages). The subtle is often beyond words – though poets, artists, and musicians come the closest......
Unlike the winged ones in the air, or finned ones in the ocean, we have feet – and they are designed to tread softly on the Earth. Form follows function –......
RECLAMATION. In it, I see a phoenix rising from the ashes, strength and resilience, new life after grief and loss, and my younger self as a fledgling forestry graduate student at the......
Winter was my least favorite season. The idea of slowing down and having my activities limited by the weather was not to my liking. However, years of denying Winter left......
Practices that stoke your inner fire for calm, clarity, and vitality I love the phrase “to tend to.” It is imbued with the meaning of care and attention. When I think......
Have you written yourself out of your own story? Leaving in the parts useful to others but omitting parts that make you feel alive – both the perceived “acceptable” and......
Energy can not be created or destroyed; it just changes form – the law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics. We have evolved to......
Today we have arrived at a balance point – the balance of day and night, the transition from summer to fall, movement from the busyness of the growing season to......