Unlike the winged ones in the air, or finned ones in the ocean, we have feet – and they are designed to tread softly on the Earth. 

Form follows function – a phrase in biology that basically means the form of the body part is related to its function. Our feet are not only designed to get us around, but they connect and ground us to the Earth. When we allow our feet to serve their function, we can navigate this stress-filled world with more ease and grace.

Years ago, I studied energy medicine in Asheville, NC, and my teacher often told me, “Kathleen, you need to get grounded. Get IN your feet! Get IN your body!” At that point, those words meant nothing to me. I had no idea how to get my body. I didn’t even understand what she meant. 

Through years of experimentation and practice with Nature and body awareness, I eventually learned that being grounded is a fusion of:

The felt awareness of the body
A sense of feeling settled and solid on the inside
Feeling rooted in the moment, right where you are

Since one of the functions of our feet is to connect us with the Earth, it is through our feet that we can quickly return to a state of groundedness. 

For example: 

1. Feel the subtle sensations within your feet
2. Feel the bottom of your feet as they connect with their Earth (taking your shoes off and standing on the Earth is helpful with this, but imagine this if you can’t get outside)
 3. As you exhale – allow your breath and energy to rest or drop into your feet.
4. Allow yourself to feel held and supported by the Earth – you settle in as she rises to meet you.
5. Allow this feeling of groundedness to move up through your legs and into your core. 

It will take practice at first because our awareness is usually at its farthest point from our feet – in our mind. However, groundedness is our natural way of being in the world, as we are people of the Earth.

Groundedness is also a state of being – I am here, I am settled into the clay of my body, and I feel solid.

Being grounded also supports our nervous system. A good metaphor for this is a grounding wire used in electrical systems. During a power surge, extra electricity can travel safely back to the Earth rather than frying the system. It works this way for humans as well. If you are grounded, stress around you is less likely to fry your operating system. The extra energy can move safely through or around you, back down to the Earth. Grounded people can find themselves in various types of energy and be just fine. They are the calm in the center of any storm.  

As a bonus, being grounded supports you in being in the present moment, just as it is, without needing to change it. Practicing feeling grounded throughout the day, such as the simple exercise above, is a powerhouse strategy for thriving in a stress-filled and overstimulated world. 

Happy Grounding!

P.S. If you could use support in feeling grounded, please reach out. After a couple of nature therapy sessions, you will have powerful tools to ground in wherever you are.