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Life continuously invites us to expand the edges of our current container. Expansive moments such as a profoundly connecting with a new or beloved landscape, an aha moment that lands deeply, wisened......
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“There is a very important distinction to be made between listening and hearing. Sometimes we listen to things, but we never hear them.” “When you listen with your soul, you come......
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This spring, I sat among three really sweet guys who invited me to their podcast. It was my first time on a podcast, and I loved every moment. But why......
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There is fire to yearning; it isn’t weak or fleeting. Yearning can be directed towards another person, an experience, or a way of life. If we dive deeper into the......
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There is a lot of noise–external and internal. With so much noise, it’s hard to hear the whispers of the sacred or what is True. The sacred is subtle and......
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Many of us are in need of shelter – shelter from the brambles of the mind or wounds of the past stored within our bodies. We often reach outside ourselves......
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When you feel ungrounded, unsettled, or anxious – how do you respond? There are two different paths many of us take – depending on how well we have been tending to......
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To be fully in the world, but not of the world – these words point the way to reclaim authenticity, inner peace, and freedom. Another way to frame this is......
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SUBTLE: so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe. (Oxford Languages). The subtle is often beyond words – though poets, artists, and musicians come the closest......
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Unlike the winged ones in the air, or finned ones in the ocean, we have feet – and they are designed to tread softly on the Earth.  Form follows function –......
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