Posts filed under: Resourced Leadership

Resourced Leadership

The Great Awakeing

Ahh, dear friends, we’ve reached that magical tipping point—halfway between the quiet depths of winter and the hopeful arrival of spring. In the ancient Celtic world, this moment was more......

Make No Sudden Moves

Rest, and make no sudden moves. No proclamations, no commitments. Except for a commitment to rest, hibernate, go within, or look into the shadows. And be. There is something exciting......

The Work of Rewilding

REWILDING — for me, the meaning of this powerful word is woven with the threads of hope, spaciousness, and freedom. John Davis, director of Rewilding Earth, states, “Rewilding, in essence,......

Message from Mycelium

Riddle: What do most women and mycelium (underground part of a mushroom) have in common? More than you think! Are you the “hub” of communication, support network, and nourishment provider within......

Medicine for the Seasonal Shift Ahead

The pressure valve of heat and humidity we’ve been experiencing here in the south shows signs of letting up with the recent crisp mornings. It’s as if the Great Mama......

Integration and Growing Pains

Life continuously invites us to expand the edges of our current container. Expansive moments such as a profoundly connecting with a new or beloved landscape, an aha moment that lands deeply, wisened......

The Life-Changing Art of Listening

“There is a very important distinction to be made between listening and hearing. Sometimes we listen to things, but we never hear them.” “When you listen with your soul, you come......

From Sedating to Healing –a gentle pathway forward

When you feel ungrounded, unsettled, or anxious – how do you respond? There are two different paths many of us take – depending on how well we have been tending to......

Reclaim your Centerpoint

Today we have arrived at a balance point – the balance of day and night, the transition from summer to fall, movement from the busyness of the growing season to......

Seeds of Inspired Action

Inspired action – the seed of the first Earthday back in 1970.  Rivers were literally on fire, dumping of industrial toxic waste was a free for all, habitat loss and species extinction......