Today we have arrived at a balance point – the balance of day and night, the transition from summer to fall, movement from the busyness of the growing season to slowing down and being grateful for the harvest – for all that we have created this year.

The medicine of this day, the autumnal equinox, is the restoration of balance.

When I’m walking in the woods, sometimes words arise that flow from some deeper part, and I become the scribe.  I don’t filter; I just allow them to take a form of their own. 

Honestly, much of my writing originates from my wood wandering – as these are the moment when I experienced the most clarity. I’m centered in my body, but anchored to a greater mystery.  

Below is what came forth yesterday related to this day, this moment in time. I hope it is supportive to you:

Within the core of your being resides a point of balance, which I will call your Centerpoint. It is always there, just below the layers of stress, worries, feelings of not enoughness, or over-efforting. When you settle into this part of you, there is rest; you feel as though you have come home.

To reclaim your Centerpoint, you must pause, and allow yourself to settle in. Allow all that “clutters” you to settle, like clay suspended in water. If given enough time and stillness, particles of clay will settle to the bottom, and the water becomes clear.

If you pause in nature and allow her to hold the clay of your form while you tend to your breath, all that clutters your emotions, mind, and spirit will settle. 

You will recalibrate to the Centerpoint of balance that resides within all living things. The Centerpoint within you is the Centerpoint within an oak tree, within the goldenrod blooming now, within creatures of the night that sing us to sleep. When we touch this point within ourselves, we settle into the Greater Mystery beyond words.  

Our Centerpoint is the missing piece that we go in search for, often outside of ourselves. When we try to FILL ourselves with things external, it is actually this part of us that we are trying to FEEL but have forgotten how.

With the energies of this day, the day of balance, the equinox, allow all the energies of this point in time to help bring balance to your body, mind, and spirit, helping you reclaim balance and settle into the Centerpoint within you. 

Happy Equinox!