Winter was my least favorite season. The idea of slowing down and having my activities limited by the weather was not to my liking. However, years of denying Winter left...
Practices that stoke your inner fire for calm, clarity, and vitality I love the phrase “to tend to.” It is imbued with the meaning of care and attention. When I think...
Energy can not be created or destroyed; it just changes form – the law of conservation of energy, also known as the first law of thermodynamics. We have evolved to...
Today we have arrived at a balance point – the balance of day and night, the transition from summer to fall, movement from the busyness of the growing season to...
Laughter is good medicine – not a gesture of pleasantry or out of nervousness, but a genuine laugh from the belly or heart. Who doesn’t love a belly laugh… but...
Inspired action – the seed of the first Earthday back in 1970. Rivers were literally on fire, dumping of industrial toxic waste was a free for all, habitat loss and species extinction...
.. Do you remember a time in your life when you felt in the flow? When you noticed synchronicities and created space to glean the wisdom and aliveness of these...
Winter is the time to unpack the heavy baggage you have been carrying the past year and rest. As your load gets lighter, you come home to yourself. Without unpacking your bags in the winter, you continue...
In the northern hemisphere, the New Year lands on the other side of holiday busyness and into the heart of winter. I love the new year – not for its...
Thoughts have been taking up too much real estate in my head lately. Space is at a premium, as it is pretty darn occupied. Many clients and friends are experiencing...