As the days grow shorter and the air cools, perennial plants begin channeling their energy deep into the earth, storing it in their roots. Through the stillness of winter, this energy lies in wait, ready to rise again when the warmth of spring returns—bursting forth in new life through leaves and flowers.

In the spring, the energy of rising up is palpable in the natural world. From perennial plants emerging from the earth to seeds breaking free from their coats, there is a quiet, steady movement forward. This energy isn’t about haste or force, like the aggressive push we sometimes use as humans to move forward. Instead, it’s a slow, consistent unfolding—whether it’s from the soil, a seed, or a bud breaking free from its protective sepal.

If we’ve wintered well—resting, restoring, and rejuvenating—we too can rise up rooted, like our plant allies, ready to create and offer our medicine to the world.

Your rise may look like:

  • Making choices to live authentically, staying true to what you value.
  • Allowing a new idea or creation to flow through you.
  • Or perhaps finding your voice to advocate for those who are struggling and for the natural world.

To support ourselves in this graceful rising, especially when the world feels turbulent and we seem anything but grounded, we can partner with the natural world. When we align ourselves with the rhythm of nature, we exert less effort. Instead, we are carried by the pulse or heartbeat of creation itself.

How do you partner with nature in this great rising up rooted?

  • Feel your feet on the earth. Grounding, or earthing, is a powerful practice that helps us feel more rooted. When we feel grounded and centered, we create a strong foundation for our own rise. Learn more about the practice of grounding.
  • Settle into your body. Fully occupy your physical form—become embodied—paying attention to the anchor points of your feet, hips, shoulders, and heart.
  • Allow your “sap” to flow. After the winter’s stagnation, gentle movement supports the return of fluidity—in your body, mind, and emotions.
  • Tend to your breath. Just as the natural world takes a deep inhale in spring, the element of Air calls us to tend to our breath. Breathe with intention, receiving the gift of air.
  • Partner with nature. Walk slowly, or sit in stillness, focusing your attention fully on the sensations of your body as your senses and heart connect with the natural world around you.

With little effort, your body, mind, and spirit will naturally respond. It is how we are designed. Align yourself with the rising energy of spring, and it will nourish, ground, and awaken you.