As the cold winter ground slowly gives way, the first signs of spring are rising up, pushing through despite the challenging conditions — they are making their presence known. Even in a world that still feels dark and bleak, these early bloomers bring pockets of joy, reminding us of the resilience and beauty that thrives through adversity.

We are in an in-between time—transitioning from Winter to Spring. This space can be challenging. Many of us know those moments in life when we are caught in the “in-between”—whether it’s just a small discomfort or a more profound struggle. It requires tenacity and patience to navigate this place because there is often no way to rush the process.

Nature cannot be hurried. Creation cannot be hurried. Time itself cannot be rushed. All moving in a spiral, not a straight line. And when we try to force the flow, we create only suffering.

In these in-between moments, it can feel like there is little movement forward, and feelings of stuckness or stagnation can creep in. But it is during these times that we store potential for what lies ahead. 

We are invited to nurture the seeds of potential that are beginning to germinate within, to be patient, one simple step at a time, just like the tenacious ones emerging – this is how we navigate the in-between. 

The wisdom of those early bloomers is profound. Pause, sit with them, soften your body, and let their quiet teachings settle in your heart. I’m confident they’ll whisper to you: “Slow and steady, friend, keep going; you’ve got this!” (At least, that’s what they told me.)

You’ve got this. Your light, shining through the darkness, is medicine for the world.

With so much love,