A question that I often ponder while walking in the woods came to mind again on my most recent walk… how can I maintain this level of peace and fluidity once I’m out of the woods?  The answer I got loud and clear:  keep hold of your breath.


This is an obvious answer from the perspective of mindfulness; however, it landed deeper with me this time.  The inhalation and exhalation is a primal link that connects us to all life.  When done consistently and with intention, it powerfully connects us to a greater truth and to parts of ourselves that tend to get lost as we navigate our busy lives.


The phrase: keep hold of your breath implies being active and passive at the same time.  Imagine holding the hand of a child when you are standing next to a busy road; you are gently, attentively, holding on, but not “doing” anything.  In this situation you are tending to something precious, the safety of a child.  Now apply this to your breath.  Gently holding attention to your inhalation and exhalation anchors us and prevents us from being whisked away into the busyness of our daily life.   Keeping hold of your breath in this intentional way can be a total game changer.   With this level of attention, we are rewiring our nervous system and supporting our endocrine and immune systems.  This also helps us in our relationships because the pause that is created helps us be less reactive.


With the beginning of a new season, I commit to myself and all of those that I support in my life to keep hold of my breath.  In this new season, I am welcoming in a greater level of peace and fluidity.  Want to join me?