Our voice can start movements, be a healing balm, or straight up poison.  Thoughts and emotions dance around each other before they come out in words.  Those who are wise, have learned to be impeccable with them. They pause before speaking, as they know the great power of a word – to bless or curse.

Throughout my life I have struggled with my voice– saying more than necessary; not saying enough or softening the actual truth; or being sharped tongued from a place of righteousness as I champion a cause.  I have tried again and again to be impeccable with my words, but I continue to fall short. Lately, life has given me opportunities to grow in this area through misunderstandings and a health issue.

When we watch the patterns, symbols, and what is showing up in our lives, the path and direction ahead becomes very clear, if we choose to listen.  Listening requires that we slow down a bit to connect the dots or see what continues to try to get our attention. Life is calling us to grow, expand outside our comfortable edges, to be vulnerable for the good of all.  For me, all signs are pointing in the direction of seriously upping my game in how I use my voice, speak my truth, and stand in my power.

I am re-committing myself to be impeccable with my words — to place a pause before words get dropped unintentionally or to pause to speak truth with clarity and kindness.  Words are powerful. They start movements. They bless. They communicate compassion. Want to join me?