Yes, I still have inner temper tantrums now and again.

I forget how to use my words.

Lose my bearings in my adult body, and my inner compass spins.

In these moments, my inner child has been triggered. Unintegrated wounds or experiences from the past (most from childhood) get poked by something in our present-day experience, causing our inner child to respond, for example, with negative self-talk, lashing out, shutting down. Most of the time, I can now recognize when my inner child gets triggered, offer her more compassion, and respond to her in supportive ways rather than continue to fuel the fire or reinforce the same story. One of my greatest allies in doing this inner work is nature. Nature is the simplest, most underrated medicine there is and is rarely if ever discussed as an ally for doing inner work, particularly supporting our wounded inner child. Nature helps soothe and support our inner child, create space to be heard and felt, and integrate those parts that latched onto something from the past that no longer serves our highest good. Wind, the heat of the sun, the dirt below our feet and texture in our hands, the sounds and smells of the natural world were our first language. We processed these stimuli and, in most cases, were soothed by them. Below are 3 ways in which nature can support you doing transformational inner child work. 3 Ways Nature Helps Heal Your Inner Child:
  1. Nature soothes your nervous system. Research from around the world supports this… regular doses of nature help your body down-regulate from the overstimulation of the world. When your nervous system settles down, you have the capacity to sit with the inner disturbance so you can feel and integrate stored wounds you might carry from childhood.
Take time for yourself to sit and BE in a natural setting; this might be your backyard, local park, or by your fireplace (yes, you can still connect with nature indoors). Give your inner child 10 minutes to be with no thoughts, judgments, or agenda. Allow your senses to gather nourishing, calming input from the natural world to soothe and settle you.
  1. Letting your inner child out to play is also healing. Perhaps freedom to be curious and explore was not nurtured when you were a child, or it has been way too long since you have experienced this part of you. Nature is a full sensory experience, and sensory experience is how babies and children relate and understand the world.
Take a moment to go outside and allow yourself to be curious. Watch the squirrel gathering nuts, the leaves blowing by the wind, patterns of clouds moving across the sky, kick a rock down the street, delight in the moment, and put your adult mind on the shelf.
  1. The inherent wisdom of nature can speak directly to your heart or inner child. Free from the distractions of technology, and others wanting attention, nature creates the perfect container to experience clarity and stillness so you can feel what needs to be felt and hear and receive the whispers of nature’s wisdom – which is a child’s first language – your first language.
Experiences in the natural world, when you choose to be present in the moment, support you in gently settling into your body and feeling what needs to be felt. Allow yourself to rest – feel the stability of the earth rise to support you as you soften and relax your body, allow yourself to be “held” by the earth. Take this moment to pause, be still, and be restored by the natural world. Allow the wind or the call of a bird to bring you back to the present moment. Allow your heart to soften and see. Nature is everywhere; expand your concept of nature, and her medicine is yours to experience, right outside your back door. Please reach out to receive support as you heal your inner child and reclaim the ability to listen to nature’s whispers.