You might be hearing buzz about doing a cleanse as we approach a change in season. A cleanse can be beneficial, but the benefits are short-lasting if we go back to habits of using food for other than its intended purpose – which is nourishment and fuel.  

How can something essential to our survival be tangled with so much emotional, physical, and mental baggage?  I am one of the countless individuals who have a damaging past relationship with food – from deprivation to binging as well as with the milder form of using food to comfort.

In its highest form, food gives fuel to create and move or is enjoyed while celebrating with others. In its most destructive form, this relationship can become life-threatening and even result in death.

In the natural world, food is fuel for growth and movement.  The same applies to us.  If you feel your relationship with food is out of balance, try the steps below to reclaim a healthy, nourishing relationship with food.  

3 Steps to A Healthy Relationship with Food

  1. Observe your eating practices. Don’t change anything at this stage; feel what is going on, and note. Try this out for a week.
  • How are you feeling right before you reach for something to eat – tired, stressed, hungry, or could you possibly be thirsty?
  • What kind of foods are you choosing to eat?
  • How do you feel while you are eating and afterward? Are you satisfied with what you eat? Do you want more? Are you being unkind to yourself after eating?

2. Now that you have observed your patterns with food, it is time to take action. Before you choose to eat, notice if you are hungry (if yes, go to step #3) or trying to literally fill an emotional need.

  • Are you feeling stressed, a little anxious, or an unease that you can’t put your finger on? Pause here – and feel what is happening in your body. 
  • Let go of the thoughts that arise, and feel your body. How long can you sit with the uncomfortable feeling? Can you stay with it until it passes?  
  • If you are not in a place to ride out this wave of discomfort, what can you do at the moment to satisfy your needs without eating when you’re not hungry? A cup of tea, go outside for a few moments, walk around, sit under a weighted blanket?

3. Hungry? Great! What fuel are you going to choose for your body? Sugar and processed food burn quickly, just like throwing dried leaves on a fire – it doesn’t do much for you and sets up a craving for more. Certain foods can even “smother” our fire. As we begin to notice, we can choose wisely.

  • Pause to see if you can get a sense of what your body is needing. Have items on hand that are minimally processed to give yourself optimum nourishment and fuel.  

As we welcome the fall equinox, it is a powerful time to restore balance to our life.  This fall might be your time to finally reclaim a healthy relationship with food. Moment by moment, we can choose to restore food to its proper place… this is slow, life-changing medicine.