Sustainability has been my passion for the past 25 years. For a majority of this time, I have researched and studied environmental and social sustainability. However, I have come to realize that to attain sustainability in these areas, personal sustainability must be a priority. What is personal sustainability? It’s big picture. It’s long term. It’s living fully in the present without compromising the future. Today’s choices and patterns lay a foundation that can potentially sustain future health, vitality, and well-being, both internally and globally.

If we are stressed out and simply going through the motions of life, we diminish our ability to joyfully contribute to the world around us in ways that are positive. For us to feel resourced enough to incorporate sustainable and regenerative patterns into our lives, we must take care of ourselves. This is living in a way that nourishes us so that we feel vibrant, connected, and authentic.

Below are a list of classes, retreats, and workshops that I’ve created for this spring to support your personal sustainability and help you thrive, feel resourced, and live connected to yourself and the world around you.

CHINESE NEW YEAR CELEBRATION: Connect with Community and Nature
Sunday, FEBRUARY 18th: 2:00-4:00 pm
Wellbeing Natural Health – Huntersville

Are you ready to thrive this year?
Learn simple nature connecting practices to restore mental energy and clarity; relieve stress; and support your immune system
Enjoy nourishing teas, snacks, and good conversation

This is a free community event

Wednesday, FEBRUARY 28th 7:00 – 8:30 pm
McLeod Organics – Huntersville

Learn how nourishing herbal infusions, tinctures, and connecting with nature can assist you in significantly reducing stress and to feel more relaxed, vibrant, and experience greater ease and resilience. We will be specifically focused on plants that are adaptogens and support your nervous system. Expect sustainable transformation of your mind, body, and spirit by incorporating plant medicine into your daily life.

This is a free community event

Wednesday, MARCH 14th: 6:30-8:30 pm
Davidson Green School

Throughout time, herbs have been used for medicine and nourishment. Herb gardens awaken our senses, gift us medicine to support our systems, and connect us to nature. In this workshop, you will learn how to create a medicinal and culinary herb garden from the ground up. Topics covered will include proper placement within your landscape, soil amending, as well as specific medicinal herbs to plant and how they can support your system.

Investment: $16
Registration through Davidson Parks and Recreation:

Nature Connection for Inspiration and Transformation
Friday, APRIL 13TH: 10:00am-2:00pm
Rocky Creek Ranch – Statesville

Are you wanting to feel more at ease in your body, relaxed, and in rhythm with the natural flow that brings forth creativity, resilience, inspiration, and joy?

This retreat will guide you through somatic and nature connected practices that are restorative, enlivening, and profoundly transformative. It will give you tools to help re-pattern your nervous system and connect you to the healing power of Nature. There will be intentionally created space to unwind, listen, and be still while being inspired by the 525 acres of amazing beauty. At the end of the day, you will walk away with concrete activities to nurture greater vibrancy, creativity and resiliency in your life. Consider this a gift to yourself so that you can serve from a place of being fully renewed and resourced. A nourishing, locally grown, in season lunch will be provided.

Investment: $75 if registered by 3/16. Regular price: $95
Register at:

The Art of Being You: co-facilitating with Brooks Haislip and Wendy Swanson
June 15th-17th
Art of Living Retreat Center – Boone NC

Ignite your passion for being alive here and now. Get ready to embrace all of you courageously and authentically. Let go of old patterns that keep you stuck and embrace a new paradigm that aligns with your highest self. Let go of efforting without forward movement. Invite in a deeper connection to nature, yourself and those in your life.

Join us for 3 magical days of connection and practices that help you fully embody your most vibrant, authentic self. Learn how easy it is to fully live without doing more. We will practice techniques to help us elicit sustainable change such as: yoga, breath, writing, meditation, nature, wellness, healthy food, adventure and self-inquiry. We will also explore profound strategies on how to repattern old habits so that we can live and act more often from our highest self. Come join us! Your heart and soul will thank you for months to come.

Investment: starting at $573 includes room, meals, and tuition
Register at: