We are entering into the longest night of the year, and at the same time, anticipating the return of the light that many religious traditions are celebrating. As the nights have gotten longer, the rhythm of this season has invited us to look into our own shadows and patterns that no longer serve us. The act of shining light into the darkness can shift our perspective, which can then create change.

A few years ago, a friend gave me a rock from Peru, a dark colored metamorphic rock with a band of white quartz running through the center. This image is fitting for the current season, where we are surrounded by darkness but the light still remains. The rock reminds me to keep coming back to center, to the light within. When I make choices that aren’t honoring of myself or are from old habits, I can feel the “darkness” more. This might look like being out of sorts, being more edgy, putting my nose down and not looking up, or feelings of separation. When we catch ourselves in these states (and sometimes it takes a little while) we can bring in practices that help return us to the light of our inner compass.

In each moment we are given choice points for specific actions or inaction. Showing up with full presence allows us to use our inner compass as a resource to make choices with integrity, honoring self and others. It feels great to stay within the white quartz bands. I know from experience that when I’m not present, things happen without intention, and I end up having to clean up my messes or not feeling as vibrant. Both paths help us grow, but one creates a bit more suffering.

By shining our inner light on the shadows or old patterns, we can begin to make moment-to-moment choices that open our hearts, give us purpose, and ignite creativity. This is a commitment, the band of white quartz, can feel really narrow at times where it doesn’t take much to make us feel like we are in the dark. But when we make a choice that is life affirming, and we sit with that moment and celebrate it, we are forming new patterns that bring authenticity, vibrancy, and connection. This is the path of aligning our outer reality with our inner knowing. White quartz through a dark rock. A path of light in a world that needs light.

Blessing to all as we keep turning to the guiding light of our inner compass.